Legal Information

These general terms and conditions of sale apply to all commercial transactions carried out on our website, a domain owned by Activitats SUP Tossa S.L, a company legally incorporated in Spain (VAT ID: B10797926).

Activitats SUP Tossa S.L. reserves the right to modify the commercial offerings on the website at any time (modifications to products, prices, promotions, and other commercial and service conditions). Such modifications will not apply to contracts already executed.

Activitats SUP Tossa S.L. strives daily to provide updated, accurate, and typo-free information. In the event of any such error occurring, it will be promptly corrected. If there is a typographical error in any of the displayed prices and a customer has made a purchasing decision based on that error, Activitats SUP Tossa S.L. will inform the customer of the error, and the customer will have the right to cancel their purchase at no cost.

The contents of the website may, at times, display provisional information about the nature of certain products. If the provided information does not correspond to the product’s characteristics, the customer will have the right to cancel their purchase at no cost.

Activitats SUP Tossa S.L. is neither directly nor indirectly responsible for any of the information, contents, statements, and expressions contained in the products marketed by This responsibility lies at all times with the manufacturers or distributors of said products. The customer understands that Activitats SUP Tossa S.L. is a mere intermediary between them and said manufacturer or distributor.

1.Identificación de Activitats SUP Tossa S.L

Corporate name:
Activitats SUP Tossa S.L
Corporate name:
dirección Avda MAR MENUDA 12 – 17320 Tossa de Mar (Girona, España)
Contact phone:
+34 621 195 172

Tax identification number:


2.Commercial Communications

Your data will be included in a file under the responsibility of Activitats SUP Tossa S.L. with the aim of managing the processing and execution of your order.

3.User and/or Customer Obligations

The user and/or customer of commits at all times to provide truthful information about the data requested in the user registration form and to keep it updated at all times.

In the event of the sale or commercialization of products from our website that require the buyer to be of a certain age according to the current legislation of their country of origin, the buyer asserts that they meet said requirement to formalize the purchase.

4.Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction

Sales made with Activitats SUP Tossa S.L. are subject to Spanish legislation.

These Sales Conditions are governed by Spanish law. The parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Girona, waiving any other jurisdiction.

In the event of disagreement in the explanation, interpretation, or non-compliance with this contract/quote, the signatories will submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Girona.

5.Cancellation Policy. Once customers have booked and paid for any activity with Activitats SUP Tossa S.L., there is no money-back policy. Activitats SUP Tossa S.L. can cancel the activity on the same day if the sea conditions do not allow or make the activity dangerous; in this case, the money will not be refunded, and the customer will be offered to reschedule the activity for another date of their choice. . If a customer with a booked date wants to change the date, they can do so up to 48 hours before the activity’s scheduled time/day, allowing Activitats SUP Tossa S.L. time to fill the slots. If the customer does not show up on the scheduled day and time or cancels with less than 48 hours’ notice, the money will not be refunded, and a change of date will not be accepted.

6.Shipping Policy

As everything sold is service-based, we do not perform shipments.

Activitats SUP Tossa S.L. reserves the right to make changes it deems appropriate to the established terms and conditions. The modifications will be prominently displayed on the website

Online dispute resolution according to Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which is available at the following link: